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Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content

What a Sunday! I have been sanding and painting my hallway all day; just giving it a badly needed refresh really.

My hallway consists of six door frames, four have doors and the other two are entrance ways. I call it the pivot zone as it's only big enough to stand in. You just pivot where you want to go.

Since my home is older, the trim work is extensive. It feels like it takes forever to paint! I started out sanding everything to try and smooth out some areas. After three hours of sanding I think it could have used more. 70 years of bad paint jobs by previous owners have done a number on it. But I do notice a difference, so that's good, yet I still want to even it out more. I'm pretty anal about crap like that. Oh well, next time I guess.

A nice thing I discovered sanding today is that you can sand old hinges and it polishes them up quite nicely. The hinges were pretty tarnished, so I thought I would see what the sander would do to them. Turns out, it polishes them back to the original silver and they are now sparkling! I think I will try to sand down the doorknobs next and see where that leads.

But I'm definitely done for a few days. Holding a sander for so long and then painting with a brush for another four hours has made my wrists ache.

Update: Here is the polished door knob. Kinda turned out gold and silver. Still looks cooler than it did.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oh sunny day

Brrrrr, it’s been quite cold in the “peg” lately. Bone-chilling cold. This city gets so frigid in the winter that it becomes easier to hibernate at home than venture outside. But today was not that day. It was beautiful. The sun was out, the sky was blue and the snow was sparkling beneath it all.

The best thing about a day like today is the air feels and smells so clean. It’s refreshing and it makes your cheeks nice and rosy. I love that feeling. It felt great to get outside and walk around. I’ve missed doing that lately. Hopefully this weather holds up for a few more days of enjoyment before it drops back down to nasty and hibernation season begins again.

Photo by Khammy Phanthavong.

Oh, I almost forgot...happy new year everyone! May 2010 bring good things.