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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Time to mix it up

I need to begin painting again. I haven't put brush in hand for months. Nothing has inspired me lately. There are a couple of paintings that I have been commissioned to do and I should get off my butt and start them, but alas, I haven't.

Starting is the hardest part, but once I begin, it will go quickly. Maybe I'll start with this old car; I do enjoy painting old cars.

Also, it's that time of year to think about painting a few presents for Christmas; a very economical way to give a decent gift.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Put that in your pipe

This is the exterior of Centre Pompidou, the National Modern Art Museum in Paris.

What unique architecture. I imagine it was shocking to the locals when it first opened in 1977; but that’s what a modern art museum should be.

Did a little Googling and here’s what I found:

“The architects created huge uncluttered space inside by moving all the service sections outside. Their goal was to show the public how a building functions and color-coded the different areas – the air pipes are blue, the water pipes are green, the escalators are red, the electricity is yellow.”
Love that the building guts are on the outside and colour-coded. How cool is that?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

...where the ladies wear no pants

Next fall I’m travelling to Europe and last week I took the first step of my adventure, I picked up a couple of travel books. Let me tell you, I’m devouring the France one. Trying to figure out the city maps, trains, and sights to see is a daunting task, but an exciting one. I want to experience as much as I can when I get there. I just have to figure out how much I can fit in. There are at least six art galleries that are a must see with gardens, cafes, night life and so on mixed in. And that’s just Paris!

Paris (avenue des Champs Elysées Arc de Triomphe) by Cuillery(sp?)One huge must is finding a piece of art to buy off a street painter. It will hopefully be watercolour, light and airy, and depict Paris or France in a way that will mean something to me, whatever that might be. This will be my souvenir, the one that makes me remember my trip fondly every time I glance upon it.

In the sixties, my grandparents visited Paris and purchased three watercolours off the street. The paintings are of the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and Champs Elysées (pictured). They now hang in my living room. I love them! They are my favourite pieces in the house. I was honoured to have them handed down to me. I hope the piece I find will be just as beautiful.

La vie est l'art!

If you have a must see for France, I would love to hear it. Let me know by posting a comment.

Friday, September 18, 2009

No news is good news

Very little blogging going on lately. I guess that's what happens when you get back to work after an absence; no time for the fun stuff.

In the festive spirit of Friday, and to tease my coworkers (good times!), here is a classic shot of some webbies working hard(ly) on our news bulletins.
Having fun boys?I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. Enjoy the late-season warmth.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A nice place for a chat

I hope to find a place like this when I go to Europe.
Café Terrace at Night - Vincent Van Gogh

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A lovely sunrise

Photo taken Thursday, September 3, 2009 in Gimli, MB.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The smell of autumn is in the air

After all the bright and shiny colours of summer, it's time to wrap yourself up in the rich hues of fall.

Autumn Leaves, 1999
This painting is titled Autumn Leaves and was painted for my friend Denise. It now hangs in her living room.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Dale and meThis week, my cousin Dale (the one with the crazy curls) came over with my new bed and helped set it up. What a sweetheart! He does stuff like that for me all the time.

But that's Dale. I don't really think of him as a cousin, he's like a brother. We are the same age and our parents are best friends. We have been stuck together since we were born. Our cabins were close to each other when we were babies and when we turned seven our parents decided to build cabins right next to each other.

We ended up spending each summer together. Every day! The poor guy. He was the silent sam to my loud lucy. He didn't need to talk, I talked for him! Again... poor guy.

I don't see Dale as often anymore. He lives with his familiy in the country, and I am in the city. But when we are together we are as comfortable with each other as when we were kids. I know we will always have this special relationship.

Dale has helped me whenever I needed it. When my mom and I tore up my backyard to build a patio he called out of the blue to see what I was up to. When I told him, the first thing out of his mouth was "Do you want help?" He then drove an hour in to the city and slaved away with us in the 34 degree heat to finish. It only cost me a couple of beers!

He helped build my fence too and one of his legs ended up in a three foot post hole... twice! That story still breaks us up.

That's what you get with Dale. You get a guy that is always willing to help and usually a funny story to go with. He never disappoints.