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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lazy blogger? You bet!

Today, I was told by my coworker Anna that I am a lazy blogger. Ok, maybe those weren't her exact words, but that's what I have been. Here's my excuse... I have been super busy!

The last couple of weeks have been crazy. I am currently motoring between my home to check on the bathroom progress and feed super-fat animals; then it's off to my mom's condo on the outside of the city to bunker down for the night. It's been nice staying there, but I'm a little home sick. Oh well, it will all end soon.

And so far, it's all worth it! My bathroom looks crazy as it's not finished yet, but the tile is pretty much in and it's beautiful. It's how I pictured it in my mind, which is always a good sign.

(I have pics of the reno, but I don't have my camera cord on me to upload any. I will try to get some up soon.)

Olympic interruption: We just won Gold and Silver in women's Bobsleigh! Are you freakin kidding me?! WOOT

Yeah, so that's the other thing keeping me busy. The Olympics. I love em. I watch like a nerd for two weeks straight. Summer or Winter; it doesn't matter. But I have a soft spot for the snow sports. I become a crazy nut for it all. This time it's being held in my country and I'm not there in person. WHY DIDN'T I GO??? Silly girl.

Another thing I should mention is that I have Jury Duty tomorrow. Or more accurately, Jury Selection. The nerds at work are calling it vacation. HA, I wish. I have been through this before and it's no holiday. Hopefully, like last time, I will not be selected. I don't want to decide someone's fate, whether it's for a minor or major crime, it's just not something I want to be responsible for.

Take care all and go Canadian athletes and Vancouverites! You are making us proud.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Rub-a-dub-dub no more gross tub

The bathroom reno has begun! The old tub wall is being removed as I write this. I love, love, love watching the destruction of it. I hated that wall. Stupid linoleum tub surround. It was gross.

I'm going to blog the process as it continues. I will try to take some good shots of the old (crap) turning into the new (pretty!).

Of course I'm off to a bad start as I forgot to take "before pictures" again! I really got to get better at this.