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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunset in Assiniboine Park

Walking over the foot bridge on a Sunday evening.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

iMight be a Mac

This is my first blog post using the iPad. I got it today and I'm trying to get comfortable with it. So far, it's a blast! And super easy to use.

The iPad might just be the ultimate travel companion. I can read books, listen to music, download photos, watch movies and hopefully access the internet wherever I am in Europe. Now if only it could teach me to speak French fluently before I embarrass myself in Paris.

My coworker, CJ, told me to not even attempt to speak French because my pronunciation is so horrific. Some offended local will most likely beat me with a baguette after hearing me butcher their language. Oh well, how badly does bread bruise anyways?

Enjoy your weekend, hopefully it's a lovely one.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I was on a boat

Yesterday, my cousins (the Birtwhistle boys) picked Chuck and me up in their speed boat and motored us off to a little private beach they discovered. We had a few beverages and cooled off in the water for a couple of hours.

Then it was off to my sisters for a BBQ, quad ride and bonfire (with jello shooters!) Now that is what you call a great summer day. Oh, and we were in the Gimli area for the entire weekend and didn't have to deal with the Islendingadagurinn crowds. Bonus.

Now maybe our boat ride wasn't exactly like the video below... For one thing, T-Pain didn't join us (boo) and for another, there was no helicopter. But boy, it sure felt this fun. Warning, the video has explicit language.
