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Friday, September 25, 2009

Put that in your pipe

This is the exterior of Centre Pompidou, the National Modern Art Museum in Paris.

What unique architecture. I imagine it was shocking to the locals when it first opened in 1977; but that’s what a modern art museum should be.

Did a little Googling and here’s what I found:

“The architects created huge uncluttered space inside by moving all the service sections outside. Their goal was to show the public how a building functions and color-coded the different areas – the air pipes are blue, the water pipes are green, the escalators are red, the electricity is yellow.”
Love that the building guts are on the outside and colour-coded. How cool is that?


  1. You would think that the air pipes would be green and water blue. Hmm.

  2. this is my favourite big gallery in paris
