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Thursday, August 27, 2009

You're gonna need a bigger boat

Tomorrow, my sister Sherri is coming out to the beach to spend the night. It’s our first night together in the new house.

We are going to watch Jaws, a family tradition. We’ve been watching it together for as long as I can remember. It’s one of her favourites, which is funny since it scared the crap out of her as a child.

You see, my parents took her to Jaws when she was 6 years old. I have no idea what they were thinking?! After seeing it, she was frightened of the bath! It was a traumatic summer for her after that since we practically lived on the beach. I could even tease her about the existence of the elusive “Lake Winnipeg Shark” and it would freak her out.

But a few years ago, when we were in the Dominican Republic, she did what I always thought was impossible for her. SHE SWAM WITH SHARKS! If you know her, you would have been shocked. I certainly was. But she did it and she had the time of her life. It was awesome.

She didn’t even mention the need of a bigger boat.

1 comment:

  1. This movie screwed with my mind! I can't even open my eyes in the deep end of a swimming pool! hahaha
    When I went snorkeling in Boracay, I had my face in the water, but I wouldn't even let go of the damn boat. Stupid fears!
