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Friday, September 10, 2010

London calling

Well I finally made it into London and I am sitting down comfortably for the first time in a day. Whew! I thought I was never making it out of Heathrow.

The flying went well and I met a nice couple from California that are off to Scotland for their holiday. They were very nice. I also met a pilot while sitting in a bar in Toronto watching a really bad tennis match that would never end. Nice guy that told me more than I ever need to know about pilots and their flying time. We also had the craziest bartender that shot off bad one-liner jokes faster than you can say "cheese!" He was a really good guy though.

The flight to London arrived on time, but we had to back up and repark due to poorly painted parking lines. HA! Once inside the terminal, the lines were so long I wanted to cry. After about an hour, they split up the lines and I got a break and dashed into the other line. I would still be there if I didn't.

The customs dude was great and put the first stamp in my passport. Nice. My driver was equally great and told me of some places I should see and pointed out as many as he could. He also talked quite a bit about the death of Princess Di. First british dude I meet mentions this. Boy did her death affect this city.

That's all for now. I think I'm going to try and sleep. I've been awake for 24 hours now. Yikes.


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