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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Massage please!

Well it's my fifth day in London and I feel I have walked the entire city. Twice. My shoulders are so sore. I try not to carry much stuff, but somehow a light bag gets heavier and heavier as the day progresses. I actually thought the feet would be my problem. Nope. They are holding up pretty well.

I started off the day having a great conversation at breakfast with a woman from San Francisco. She sat down at the table next to me with a huge stack of papers with editing marks all over the pages. At first I thought she was an editor, but it turns out she's a mystery writer. She is working on her next book after a long hiatus raising twins. Nice woman.

It was park day! I started in Hyde and moved over to St. James and ended with Green. Beautiful. In between I stumbled across the changing of the guard again. And again it was packed to the gills with tourists. Also nearby is the Canadian war memorial and Canada Gate. The gate is huge and directly across from the palace.

Canada Gate. Manitoba's Bison is on the left.

From there I walked over to Trafalgar Square. Holy smokes it has the tallest monument of a dude ever! It's to honour Lord Nelson's defeat of Napoleon at the battle of Trafalgar. Funny how his monument is so tall. I wonder if anyone else finds it ironic that one of the tallest monuments to an individual is for defeating one of the tiniest emperors.

Trafalgar Square

This reminded me of the movie "Stand By Me" when I first saw it. Wonder why?

Again, the fact that most museums here are free is such a treat. It makes you not think twice about going in. I walked into the National Gallery to take a look at their treasures. For something that wasn't planned, it sure was a highlight. I saw my first Leonardo and Monet. They also had quite a few van Gogh's.

National Gallery

I went through many rooms today and looked at many paintings - some much longer than others - but when I got into the 1800+ rooms I was in heaven! Those painters are one of the reasons I wanted to travel here. When I looked at my first Monet that memory flooded over me and I thought to myself, "Finally did it, I'm actually here." So far, this trip is more than I could have imagined. I'm so grateful that I can do this.

Anyways, enough sappy shit. Tomorrow I'm off to the British countryside. The Cotswolds here I come. Stay tuned, let's see if I will cry tomorrow too.

Doesn't this photo look fake? Except for the chilly pigeon on the head. This is in front of Buckingham.

Horse poop everywhere! I have no idea why these guys had the carriages going. Maybe just for exercise?

Piccadilly Circus. Crazy busy.

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