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Friday, September 10, 2010

London in pictures - Day 1

Here are a few pictures from my first day in London.

Victoria & Albert museum - the courtyard. The sign said "no puddling." I'm assuming that means jumping in the water.

Wooden sculpture. Dude killed dragon and is now just chilling with it. The detail is incredible on this piece.

The beat down. I think this is what UFC was 500 years ago.

Teeny, tiny Hasidic Jewish crown. Would fit nicely in your hand.

Beatrix Potter watercolor. An entire hall was dedicated to "Peter Rabbit." Each page is framed and displayed in a line so you can read the book.

English paintings. Look at the huge one on the right. Someone really loved that dog!

Concert and theatre posters. Loved the Sex Pistols one.

Yep, that is a Juicy Couture outfit. So sophisticated.

Royal Albert Hall at night. Got a double decker bus in there too.

Albert Memorial at night. Queen Victoria really loved her Albert! The whole area seems to be named after him.


  1. Nice pics. Got to love free museums. If you have spare time, check out the Science Museum across the street for some non-art but old stuff. Place is like six floors but 1st floor is the most impressive.

  2. I will definitely be checking that out. I love it here.
